Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Three Muses Challenge - Hot, Hot, Hot!

All my own work except for the face which is from the late Suzee Que at Flickr.  The words come from the title of a Cole Porter song from "Kiss Me Kate".  If you have seen the musical on film you will remember the amazing dance routine by Ann Miller to this song - and the very clever lyrics.  Showing my age!!


  1. What an excellent piece in hot colours, Marie!

  2. Brilliant work...I love the heat that comes through!

  3. Marie I love your funanbulist, she represents danger, "risque", fire and she's superb!!!!

  4. Well, this is just tooooooooo hot!!!

  5. Well Marie you are literally burning up the ropes with this one...that dress those shoes just awesome...I hope you got out some of your pent-up that background too!!!

  6. Wow, is she a red hot babe or what, Marie, fabulous 'burning' b/g, you've certainly created 'furnace-like' conditions here!!

  7. Hope she makes it across before that rope burns in two! This makes me want to reach for a long, tall, cool drink, Marie! (Sorry my tulips appear twice on your side bar -- I posted them in error on Three Muses -- and you just can't delete fast enough for Blogger!)

  8. Fabulous piece, Marie! Is that you on the hot stick :)

  9. Everything about this one is HOT!! Fabulous, Marie.

  10. That's a fantastic take on this theme. I love those colours and I love the "hot" summer ... here in Germany it's not very high temperatured, we (I) only can dream about 29° and more.... Exceptions are possible, of course.
    For the time beeing it's still cold outside +2° .... winter.

  11. I missed a few from your latest entries Maria, so I had to catch up.
    I'm always curious from where you get your elements and I often visit your links. On this manner I discovered Fiddlette aka Christine Honsinger. She has amazing sheets doesn't she ? I had to buy also two :)
    About your piece...Clever that you add also a fiery background. It gives your image even more heat !!!
    Beautiful !!

  12. Showing your age .... nah! Showing your talent .... yes. Another frameworthy piece Marie, which leads me to ask if your are saving at high res because I can feel a digital swap coming on.

  13. What a beautiful job you did with this challenge!

  14. Love it- the color, composition and the TEXTURE! how did you do that??? amazing piece. and yes, we are veryyy cold up here!

  15. Hot stuff my friend, hot stuff indeed. I wonder what Gary would think?!

  16. Wow, this really is hot in every way! What a great idea :))

  17. Does she make it across in time?! A fabulous, hot piece, Marie!
