"Unknown fact Number #524 .... Edgar Allan Poe had a very good reason to be fond of ravens as his famous poem was an overnight success and brought him the comfortable income he had always been seeking. To repay his favourite birds, he opened a Raven Rescue Refuge in his home. The ravens embraced their comfortable new lifestyle with gusto and they prospered and multiplied. Soon Mr Poe had taken to wearing hat and raincoat for obvious reasons. Eventually, the problem grew to such proportions that he cried "Never more shall I take in these ungrateful birds, NEVER MORE". He called a pest exterminator and had them removed and declared in his last poem, which has never been published, that gratitude can be carried too far".
I have used an altered photograph of background and man from Flickr-free-to-use images. The head of Mr Poe was Googled. The raven is by Irene Alexeeva. (The unknown facts are a pack of lies).