Sunday, December 21, 2014

Take a Word Challenge - Red and Green

I apologize for the silly poem.  My forte is the ditty and a poet I am not!  I painted Santa digitally using ArtRage painting software.  I did start with a Googled line drawing of Santa to maintain the correct proportions but I had to re-create him at least 95 per cent.
This time of year in a part of the world where it can be extremely hot there is not a lot of peace and quiet.  Heat makes people cranky so I try to stay away from the roads, malls, parking lots and anywhere crowds gather.  In spite of that, may I wish all of my friends in Blogland a very peacerul and happy season.  Please come back to the challenges afreshed and eager to start a New Year.


  1. Fabulous, Marie! So original, and so well done, as always.

  2. It's like my old Dad used to say: "You're a poet and your feet show it they are Longfellows" pretty bad I know, but I love your verse and your Santa rocks...especially his sexy Christmas colored shorts.

  3. Ah, my dear, you don't have to apologize for that clever bit of rhyme. Your Santa is wondrous, and so is your poem. You are immensely talented! Your Oz Santa is priceless!

  4. What a jolly Aussie Santa, Marie!
    Every good wish for the season!

  5. Fantastic always with art and words Marie- the very best to you and yours this holiday season!

  6. Absolutely love your Santa and thanks for posting him in the Santa Challenge at Digital Whisper

  7. This is the funest Santa I've ever seen.
    Thank you Marie for the wonderful challenges during the whole year.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.
