Monday, December 29, 2008

MMM- What I most liked doing with my art in 2008

Nothing comes close to what I most liked doing with my "art" in 2008 than finding the Land of Blog challenges and all the friendly and generous people there.
Central picture and text by me (digital crayon drawing using ArtRage software). Frame by Sausan.


  1. I posted this earlier in the week and I have to thank Bev, Gayle, Barbara, Kimmie, Alberta and Ava and Taluula (Ann) for their kind comments. I wanted to move my picture to the top of the blog page but didn't know how to import it complete with comments.

  2. Marie - this is wonderful. I agree with you about the wonderful world of blogging and challenge sites! I just wish I had more time to join in some other challenges. Diane

  3. I love your design. It is full of whimsy and beautiful color. I agree that the challenge blogs were a wonderful (and addictive) addition to creating art this past year. (Not to mention these sites let me meet so many talented people.)

  4. Fabulous and I totally agree with the sentiment ...blogging rocks !!
    Love what you did with this
    Hugs June

  5. Marie love your work it's great, love the words about blogging and challenge it's so fun to meet new people.

  6. Thank you Marie for your sweet comments on my blog! I think all the bloggers agree with you about all the challenges sites.
    I wish you a wonderfull and creative 2009!

  7. this is again so creative and artsy .. just fabulous! :-)

  8. this is really cool! I gotta check out that software!

  9. Awesome!!! You made me smile

  10. I think you are wizard with your digital art! Maybe someday, I will figure it all out...Melinda

  11. thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog...keep on digitizing and's all good!!

  12. I like so much this artwork.

  13. Marie, how delightful. Yes, finding this wonderful and caring art community was a big plus in my life, too. I love your whimsical piece.

  14. And I still love it loads and wish I had thought of this first.

  15. This is so great. Fun, and wonderful artwork. I think your sentiments are true for all of us, certainly for me.

  16. super fun piece and my sentiments exactly!!!

  17. This is so great Marie, you have progressed in huge leaps this year and I am blown away by your work in ArtRage. Keep on creating and sharing and have a great 2009.
